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What To Expect

It can be a scary experience walking into a new place where you may not know anyone. We understand the anxiety that going to a church for the first time might bring, and we want to be sure and make your experience one that is stress free and welcoming.

Here are some of the most Frequently Asked Questions we get. If you have any others, please feel free to call the church office at 808-946-6505 or email us .

What should I wear?

Whatever you're comfortable in. Some people come to church wearing their Sunday best, while you will find others who wear shorts and a t-shirt, others dress in business casual, and occasionally you might even see a tie! There's no Biblical style of dress, so it's up to you. The sanctuary and many of the Sunday School bible study rooms are air conditioned, so you may want to bring a sweater or sweatshirt since it can be quite chilly at times.

Will I have to say anything?

Nope! We want you to feel comfortable. We won't single you out in any way, except if you’d like, we would like to give you a lei so that people can make sure and introduce themselves to you. But that is completely up to you. When you come, you can feel free to sit back and enjoy the celebration.

How will I find my way around?

We try our best to make sure that the first faces you see are smiling ones. We have greeters in the parking lot, and at the various entrances and throughout the sanctuary who will be happy to give you a quick tour, help you check your kids into their classrooms, and help you find your way to a seat in the sanctuary.

What about my kids?

We have an awesome ministry for your children during Sunday school hours, and after care (during Sunday Service time). We provide a safe and loving place for your newborn in the nursery, as well as an area for nursing mothers. We also have a room for toddlers, 19-35 months, complete with lessons, toys and activities. Children from preschool through 6th grade will enjoy age-appropriate teaching from the Bible, worship together and experience hands-on learning activities.

We care about the welfare of each and every child, all of our children's workers are screened through a process that includes reference calls and background checks. When you arrive, we will have your fill out a drop off and sign in sheet.

What about Junior and Senior high Students?

During the Sunday School hour, students in middle and high school join our youth leader team led by our Director of Youth Ministries, Jeff Mullis. Your teens will build friendships with other students as they dig into their Bibles and study God’s word. They will also work off some energy playing crazy games and activities.

Sunday Morning at 9:00 AM – 10:00AM (3rd Floor – education building).

For more information about Olivet Baptist Church’s Youth Ministry Click Here

Will I be asked to give money?

Nope. We pass an offering plate during our service as a part of worship for those who are part of the body of Christ and understand the principle of tithing. You should never feel pressured to give money.

What's the service like?

Our service begin with worship. Our service varies with a mix of our live praise band who lead us in an upbeat, contemporary worship, mixed with a variety of hymns, organ music, and choir music. Then we have our welcome and announcements and move onto the scripture reading and the message. The messages are directly from the Bible, so if you have a Bible, bring it with you.
When the message is over our deacons and prayer team members are available to pray with those who want prayer. If you have any questions, please reach out to one of our aloha ushers.

Before our service, from 10am -10:30am, we have a time of fellowship in the lower auditorium with coffee, drinks, snacks, pastries, and sometimes breakfast/lunch items. 

We look forward to having you join us!

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